Spiritual Message: Ministry Purpose
In Acts 9:3-5 it states that, It happened that while he was traveling to Damascus
and approaching the city; suddenly a light from heaven shone all around him. He
fell to the ground, and then he heard a voice saying, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting me?’ ‘Who are you Lord?’ he asked, and the answer came, ‘I am
Jesus’ whom you are persecuting. Most of you know the rest of this story. How Saul
became Paul and was struck blind and then allowed to see again that he may teach the
gentiles the Words of Christ and save them. This began Paul’s Ministry and often he
had to defend this Ministry against not only Jews but also those who knew Jesus and
followed His doctrine. But Paul strongly believed what he was called to do and today we
are still following his teachings in principle but not always in accuracy. This all began
with his Damascus moment. My Damascus moment began when I was paralyzed by
Jesus not once but twice. Unlike Paul, I made a Nazarite vow to GOD at one of the
lowest points in my life and promise HIM that I would do whatever HE called me to do. I,
unfortunately, was failing to uphold my end of the bargain and when Christ came to
collect it, I showed no sign of honoring it other than being Baptized. But it was too little
too late, so on my birthday in 2018 He began the process of reminding me of my
promise by paralyzing me. He did not paralyze me because of something well known
and understandable like an accident or polio. He paralyzed me with a little-known
condition called myositis. A disease that causes the deterioration of your muscles that if
it is not detected soon, will end in certain death. While lying in that bed Christ would
Minister to me, He allowed me to know why I was there and to understand that He had
plans for me, and I would not die. My family would marvel at the fact I was always in
good spirits even though I was paralyzed and at death door. They did not know that I
was happy because I knew something that they did not know and that was I was being
kept by Christ to do His work.
This Ministry that Christ has given me is the work He wants me to do. This Ministry is
not about replacing what Paul has put in place. This Ministry adds to the teachings of
Paul and corrects what has been mistaught by those who teach his principles today. As
during the time of Paul, there will be those who will rise against what I am trying to do,
but like Paul I believe in what I have been chosen to do and will not stop what I am
doing. I understand that there are those that are more devoted to the messenger than
the message and if their messenger is not willing to teach the truth then they are not
willing to hear it. That is not our responsibility, that is between them, their messenger
and GOD. Only Christ can stop what I am doing because it is He who is doing this
through me. I am a Teacher of the Word of GOD in the line of Peter, John, Paul and
Silas. Peter says in Acts 3:6 ‘I have neither silver or gold, but I will give you what I
have: What I give freely is Christ teachings that has been given to me. If you have
noticed all my messages have scripture to support them. I ask that those who are
interested in being a part of this Ministry partnership, please send me your email
address and I will send you some messages and a list of all who are in partnership with
Christ. May GOD Bless those who read, receive and believe these words.