LIVING GOD’s (Simple Life)
Simple Life
(Through Truth)
The Governing Principles Of The Truth
Good, Love, Right, Caring, Trust, Believing, Concern, Faithful, Giving, Honest, Patience, Charity, Forgiving, Humble
Sincere, Considerate, Helpful, Modesty, Understanding, Prayerful, Thankful, Peaceful
The Governing Principles Of The Lie
Evil, Hate, Wrong, Cruel, Mistrust, Atheist, Fear, Disloyal, Taking, Deceitful, Restlessness, Greed, Grudging, Proud, Fake
Insensitive, Hindering, Arrogance, Unsympathetic, Refuse to Pray, Ungrateful, Violent
When GOD created man and placed him in charge of the earth and all HIS creations, Truth and its governing principles were the law of the land. There was no such thing as a lie and its governing principles. Whatever GOD said was the truth and whatever man did was based upon that Truth, which made his actions true. This was the beginning of Living GOD’s Simple Life. This is what some Christians today calls GOD’s Purpose Driven Life. When Satan enticed Eve, with the original lie, to eat of the tree of good and evil, that was the first time that a lie was introduced to the world. Although it was introduced to the world, it was not a part of the world until Adam failed to take responsibility for what he and Eve had done. It was then that the lie and its governing principles became a permanent part of the world and in direct competition with Truth and its governing principles. With the adversarial presence of the lie, Living GOD’s Simple Life became more and more difficult. This is because although GOD will allow you to choose HIS Truth, Satan will use whatever is at his disposal to force or trick you into accepting His lie. Satan has been so successful in promoting his lie that, in today’s world, it is now considered equal to the Truth. We live in a time where people can lie and although the Truth is openly available to refute that lie, there are people who will willingly believe the lie for their own reasons. We began this downward spiral in the 1960’s when certain individuals, in our educational community, began promoting a concept entitled “A Grey Area”. Their belief was that there were some issues that had no right or wrong answer, hence the “grey area”. This made right and wrong no longer the law of the land, therefore Truth was no longer the law of the land. We are now faced with the non-right, non-wrong and thus the non-Truth, which allows individuals to make untrue statements without fear of consequences. The truth is, every situation has a right and wrong answer and there is no such thing as a “grey area”. And if you took the time to judge each situation by its components, you would be able to see that. From the beginning, the responsibility of promoting and defending the Truth has rested in the hands of the leaders of each religion. But, judging by their lack of success, what Truth are they overseeing and promoting? Is it GOD’s Truth or Satan’s lie? Most people do not understand that religion defined is based upon what man says that GOD said. This is why you have so many different denominations and sects in each religious group. This is not only a problem in Christianity, but also in the Hindu, Jewish, Moslem and all other religions. The acts that man has committed in the name of religion are many, horrific and are documented by history. While those who are supposed to be overseers and defenders of the Truth have stood idly by during these horrific acts. Some even condoning these acts in the name of GOD. But there is an alternative to being religious and that is being Spiritual. A Spiritual person believes in all of GOD’s Words and not just the ones that they choose to believe. This Ministry is based upon the same principles as were taught by Christ, when He walked the earth. His movement was called the Way and not Christianity. Christianity is a name given by the Greeks who were being converted to the movement. Christ called His Ministry the Way because He was trying to show the Israelites and the Gentiles the way back to GOD the Father. This Ministry is about leading you to the Truth which will lead you to Christ who will lead you to GOD the Father. In John chapter 4:24, Christ says: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Too many believers have forgotten or were never taught the importance of Truth when worshipping, GOD the Father. They rely too heavily on HIS Mercy and the Grace of Christ without realizing that Truth opens the door to both. You can only receive Grace, if you are forgiven and you can only be forgiven when you come before Christ with a sincere and pure heart and ask for His forgiveness. This means that you must confess the Truth to Christ and your Father before you may be eligible to receive Christ Grace. GOD said that HIS people are being destroyed from a lack of knowledge. This Ministries purpose is to provide knowledge of how to worship and serve GOD in your day-to-day life. This translates as “Living GOD’s Simple Life”, free from complications and worry. As HE told me while I was laying paralyzed in my hospital bed from the neck down, “Your purpose is to give the message, teach the message and to live the message”. This Ministry is not a Church and not to be confused as one. In fact, my Pastor is Rev. Dr Dan Gerald and he is aware and supports the fact that I am creating this Ministry. It is not this Ministries purpose to tell you where to serve, how to serve, when to serve or what denomination, sect or religion to worship under. It is the purpose of this Ministry to pass on GOD’s Knowledge of how to serve HIM on a day-to-day basis through the Truth of what is right and wrong. But, before you can make an accurate evaluation of what is wrong or right, you must first be able to determine what are the principles of Truth and a lie. On the following page is a limited list, of both these principles that you may use to determine who you are serving by your actions: