Spiritual Message: Who We Are
Who Are You and Who Do You Belong To
Most of last year I spent relaying information that I believe came from GOD the Father through Christ
Jesus. I embraced what I was given and was led to share it with those who would receive it. In doing this
I began to accept my purpose to teach those things that have not been taught and to correctly teach
those things that have been taught, but I still did not know who I was. I always knew I was a teacher, but
what level of teacher. Was I an Evangelist, Bible School teacher or maybe a Preacher all are very
honorable services to GOD and Christ Jesus. GOD would never tell me who I was, but he began to give
me breadcrumbs to learning my position in Christ kingdom. My initial breadcrumb came when he gave
me Acts 3:6 which states; I have neither silver or gold, but I will give you what I have in the name of
Jesus Christ. This scripture told me that I was a teacher in the line of Peter, John, Paul and Silas. They
were teachers of the Word who did not tithe or give offerings but served Christ by teaching His Word.
The second breadcrumb was the scripture that he gave me in Luke 10:1-3 which states; After this the
Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him in pairs, to all the towns and
places where he intended to go. And he said to them, ‘The harvest is rich, but the labourers are few, so
ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to his harvest. And then he says in Luke 10:7 Stay in
the same house, taking what food and drink they have, for the labouerer deserves to be paid; This
means that I am also a Disciple of Christ Jesus and not charge for my teachings, but to accept what
payments that are given. As men and women of GOD we all have our purpose and no one purpose is
more important than another. But we must always adhere to and follow our calling. We are all serving
an all-powerful and knowing GOD through the directions of Christ Jesus. We are in the days of Christ,
foretold by Isaiah. In Isaiah 43:19 GOD says, Look, I am about to do something new. That new thing was
Christ Jesus, who fulfilled the Old Testament and brought in the New Testament. In the Old Testament
Peter, John, Paul and Silas would have been considered Levites only by blood birth. But when Christ gave
His blood, being an Israelite was no longer the requirement for being a child or Priest of GOD. What was
once a Blood Covenant was replaced by a new Spiritual Covenant. In Luke 22:20 Jesus states at the Last
Supper, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. This means that you are
no longer considered to be a Child of GOD based on your blood connection to the children of Abraham,
but because of your Spiritual connection to GOD the Father through Christ Jesus. This connection can be
found in John 4:23 when Jesus says, But the hour is coming – and is now here – when true worshippers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such are the worshippers whom the Father seeks. In this
scripture Jesus is foretelling the beginning of the Spiritual Covenant. When we commit our Spirit to the
speaking and living the truth and give our life to Christ, we now become true worshippers of Father GOD
and a new Israelite based on Spirit and not blood.
I have written this not only to explain who we are to you but also to us, because as strange as it may
seem to most, we are just as mystified by this revelation as you are. I promised some of you that at the
beginning of this year we will hit the ground running. What better way to start this voyage than by
defining who we are and what is our purpose. May GOD be a Blessing to those who have read this and
are willing to take this voyage with us.